In Autumn 2019 we had our latest SIAMs Inspection and we are pleased to report that our overall judgement is ‘Excellent’.
Excerpts include:
‘An exceptional quality of relationships, based on the school’s Christian vision and values, give all a sense of limitless worth, as children of God.’
‘Pupils show love, hope, courtesy, trust, openness, honesty, forgiveness, grace, patience, humility and self-control. Pupils are courageous advocates for eradicating poverty, addressing inequality and powerful stewardship of the earth’s resources.’
‘Pupils go the extra mile to value all as friends…’
‘Pupils respect the views of others, recognizing all as meriting respect as of limitless worth, in God’s eyes.’
‘….leaders and adults care so passionately for the welfare of all the pupils.’
Read the full report here: