Performance and Attainment

Pupils complete statutory assessments across the country at four times during their time in KS1 and KS2. In Year 1, all pupils take the Phonics Screening Check which is designed to see how successful they have been at learning the key sounds upon which reading is built.

At the end of KS1, all pupils take Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) in Reading and Maths. These give an indication of how children are getting on with their learning compared to other children nationally. Most pupils will be working at age-related expectation (EXS) which means within the average band for their age. Some pupils will be working higher than this level (GDS) and some below. Pupils are also assessed by their teacher against national criteria in Writing. These tests will become optional in 2023 – 2024.

In Year 4, pupils complete the Multiplication Tables Check. This helps to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics.

In Year 6, pupils take SATs in Reading and Maths along with a test of Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. Again, most pupils will be working at ARE with some above and some below. Teachers assess the pupils in Writing against strict national criteria. 

The document below show the outcomes for Linby cum Papplewick Primary School against a range of national measures. At the end of the academic years 2019 – 20 and 2020 – 21, national assessments (such as the end of KS1 and KS2 SATs) were suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Compare School Performance: