Summer Term


We have been looking at how to structure questions when we have to locate evidence from the text.  In order to help us, we have used the phrases ‘In the text it states… this suggests that… It also states… which makes me think that…’ This helps us to find a quote first, thus channeling our thinking based  on the individual quote rather than the whole text.

We have worked on impressions – what do these mean? What is an impression. What word classes are we often thinking of when talking about impressions.

We will be looking on different questions and considering what they are asking us to do. We are using mark schemes and thinking about how many marks we will achieve and why.


Our book for after the assessment period is called A Long Walk to Water. This is a wonderful, moving story of the lengths that people in Sudan have had to go to in order to have clean water to drink.  This will link to our History and Geography topic, which is all about the local area and people who have made a significant difference to the area. We will be engaging in drama, writing letters, story extracts and developing our powers of persuasion.


In mathematics lessons, children will be learning about statistics, properties of shape and position and direction. We will, of course, be re-visiting areas of the curriculum (as we always do) to ensure children feel ready and confident to tackle the questions in the End of Key Stage 2 SATs.


In science lessons, children will explore the structure of the heart and lungs. The double circulation through the lungs and the rest of the body is explained and children learn more about blood! They will investigate the questions: How does exercise affect pulse rate? Why exercise is good for us and what can harm the heart and lungs?

Physical Education

This term, children will continue to hone in on their tennis skills. They will be focussing on using a variety of strokes (forehand, backhand and overhead shots), understanding the need for tactics and applying rules consistently and fairly.

Children will also have dance lessons where they will learn the routines for our production of I’m an 11-year-old Get Me Out of Here!


This term, Oak Class will have the opportunity to learn to play the ukulele. These lessons are taught by a music specialist from Inspire Music. Lessons are aimed at increasing children’s familiarity and ability using a ukulele. Through the performance of contemporary songs, children will develop their musical knowledge and will develop rhythm and accompaniment skills.


Children are continuing to take part in a 10 week course delivered by an education programme called DAaRT. The aim of the programme is to educate children about making healthy and safe life choices.


In geography lessons, children will learn to name and locate different European rivers. They will learn about the courses of a river and the different physical features found in each course. Children will learn about the history of canals and compare this to modern day uses. They will then explore the sustainability of natural resources (water) and the work of the Canals and Rivers Trust. Children will learn about the impact rivers have on local communities and extend this learning to how charities help to provide clean water for different communities worldwide. 

Useful Website:


In history lessons, children will explore the work of local water engineer Thomas Hawksley and learn about the water engineering designs that have affected how we access water today.


Les Jeux Olympiques (The Olympics). This term we are learning about Olympic history (looking at the ancient Olympics and the beginnings of what we now refer to as the modern Olympic games), a selection of Olympic sports, how to say “I play” and “I do not play” a sport using the verb “faire”. We will also introduce the children to how we express various sports as a profession (as an adjective) and making the sport “agree” with the noun it is describing.

Papplewick Pumping Station

As part of our learning in Geography and History, we will be visiting Papplewick Pumping Station in June. Oak Class will get the opportunity to find out how the pumping station was able to pump millions of gallons of clean fresh water every day to the rapidly increasing population of Industrial Nottingham.