Reception 2025 intake: New parents are invited to look around our wonderful school on 19th September at 5pm, 8th November at 4pm, 19th November at 9am and 6th January at 4:30pm. Please ring our school office on 0115 9634282 to let us know you will be attending.


Using our Complete Comprehension programme, we will focus on different text types including, narratives, non-chronological reports, classic fiction texts and stories from different cultures.

During our comprehension lessons, we will focus on developing our retrieval, inference, prediction and word meaning skills, as well as revisiting other reading skills in our Friday ‘Mix it Up’ lessons.


Our book for the term is Shackleton’s Journey. This book is a unique visual re-telling Ernest Shackleton’s landmark expedition crossing the Antarctic from one pole to the other. This links with our learning in our History and Geography topic, which is all about the polar regions. Like Shackleton, we will be writing a persuasive advert for future explorers to embark on a trip of a lifetime to Antarctica, which we then turn into a real life advert using the digital editing skills that we have learnt to use on the iPads. We will write to inform others of the animals that life in the polar regions by creating non-chronological reports. Next, we will learn the writing skills needed to recall events that have been experienced through diary writing.


In mathematics lessons, children will be learning about place value up to ten millions and the four operations. They will develop their understanding of the formal written methods that are used to carry out calculation for each operation: column addition, column subtraction, long multiplication (ThHTO x TO) and short division (ThHTO ÷ TO). In addition this, children will apply their knowledge to real-life problems. Towards the end of the term, we will move onto learning more about fractions and performing different calculations with them.


In science lessons, children will explore living things and their habitats. They will learn about the different parts of a plant through dissecting it and they will research the function of each part.

Children will learn about the life cycles of different animals: mammals, insects, amphibians, reptiles and birds, and compare the similarities and differences between them.

They will find out about the work of two key scientists in this field of study: Jane Goodall and Sir David Attenborough.

Click on the buttons below to find out more.

Physical Education

This term, children will continue to hone in on their hockey skills. They will be focusing on different ways to control the ball and dribbling as well as developing their defending and attacking skills. They will also work on their tactical understanding and applying rules consistently and fairly.

Children will also have PE lessons in cross country, basketball and table tennis later on in the term.


This term, Oak Class will be learning the songs for our big performance at Young Voices in Sheffield. There are a lot of songs to learn and we are looking forward to performing them in February 2024.


This term’s focus in PSHE lessons is on Respect. Children will learn about what respect looks like in society, how they can respect others and ways in which key issues can be tackled.

Click on the buttons below to find out more.


In geography lessons, children will learn more about the polar regions. They will first locate the Arctic and Antarctic on a world map and the oceans and seas surrounding them. They will consider the similarities and differences between the two regions. Children will learn about how the space is used, the natural resources that are mined and reason the impact of sustainable tourism. They will then learn about how climate change is affecting the region and the impact this is having both to the polar regions and the rest of the world.

Our geography fieldwork study focuses on children applying the knowledge gained in map skill lessons to go on their very own expedition in the local area to a given finish point – The Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary Magdalene Church. Children will have to plan their route, making sure they pass key places of interest along the way. Let’s hope they plan wisely to make it there in time!

Useful Website:

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In history lessons, children will learn about polar exploration and both the successes and problems faced by three famous polar explorers: Robert Falcon Scott, Ernest Shackleton and Roald Amundsen.

Children will learn to sequence the dates of key expeditions on a timeline whilst considering other important events that might have been happening at the same time. They will explore different primary and secondary sources relating to polar exploration and consider the value of each – whether they are fact, fiction or opinion. They will also learn about the impact expeditions of the past have had on modern day expeditions and what lessons have been learnt.

Useful Website:

Click on the buttons below to find out more.


La date – This term, children will be learning the days of the week, months of the year and numbers 1-31 will be introduced, revised and consolidated. By the end of this unit, children will have the knowledge and skills to say the date and when their birthday is in French.

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