Elm Class Page

Come and find out what we will be learning about in Elm Class this term.


Our focus texts this term are traditional stories with a twist:

‘Little Red’ by Bethan Woollvin 
‘Wolves’ by Emily Gravett


This term, children will be working on the following mathematical learning objectives:

Year 1

Year 2

In Key Stage 1, we use the mastery maths scheme Primary Stars. Please find additional learning resources (by clicking on the link below) that you can use to support your child with their maths learning at home.


Science – Animals including humans

In this unit we will name some common animals, learn about animal groups, compare the structure of different animals, sort animals by their diet, label the human body and learn about our 5 senses.

History Significant People Past and Present – William Caxton and Alexander Graham Bell

In history, children will be learning about individuals who have changed how we communicate with each other. We will learn what books were like before the invention of the printing press and what a difference this new invention has had on the availability of books and literature. We will also look at the invention of the telephone and consider its impact.

Geography – Place and Space

This term, we will be learning that maps, pictures and stories can be used to find out about places. We will describe the features of a story setting environment. We will name the countries of the UK and capital cities and know what a capital city is.

RE Festivals

This term, we will learn about the Jewish festival of Sukkot and Christian Harvest celebrations.

Art – Drawing

In our Art lessons, we will study mark making using a variety of media. We will explore why colour is important in art and how artists create shadow and tone. We will use our observational drawing skills to create still life images.

Design and Technology – Cooking and Nutrition

We will explore delicious fruit and vegetables. We will design and make a fruit salad and a savoury salad.

PSHE – Respecting ourselves and others

The focus of this unit is to explore how we are all unique. We will look at friendships and teamwork so that we learn how to work and cooperate with others with respect.

MusicHand, Feet, Heart

In music lesson, we will focus on Pop style songs.

Hands, Feet, Heart is a song written for children to celebrate and learn about South African Music. All the learning is focussed around this one song.

Computing – Online Safety

In Computing, we will learn about staying safe online using Purple Mash.

Physical Education

We have two PE lessons each week.

On a Wednesday we will be learning how to play hockey.

On a Thursday we will be practising throwing and catching skills.

French – Greetings

Our French unit is called ‘Greetings’. In this unit of work, we will learn to welcome people with basic french phrases.