Ash Class Page

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Autumn Term (Coming soon)

Ash Class Environment

There is lots of exciting learning happening in Ash Class this term.


In English, we will enjoying the story book Supertato.

We will explore the characters and the journeys that they go on. Throughout each week, we will look at different aspects such as prediction and sequencing events, describing characters, respond imaginatively to the story, making posters and writing labels/captions and writing simple sentences.


In mathematics, reception children will be looking at numbers to 20 and beyond, number patterns, estimation and tens frame, taking away by counting back, missing numbers and ordering numerals to 20. Children will learn to solve mathematical stories using the ‘First, Then and Now’ idea.

Year 1 children will learn about weight, volume and capacity. This will be done practically using different equipment. Children will then focus their mathematics on multiplication and division. They will learn to count in 10s and make equal groups by either grouping or sharing.


In Science, children will learn all about sowing and growing. Specifically, the children will be planting plants and using prediction and identification to determine what is happening as plants and flowers grow.

Physical Education

In P.E. children will learn to develop and apply key skills into a game as well developing their gross motor skills. They will do this through participating in multi-sports and hockey.

R.E – How can we help to grow God in the hearts of our family and friends?

In RE, we are learning about God’s Creations and how we can look after our world and his creations. Children will also look at ways that they can grow God in their hearts.

French – Under the Sea and In the Jungle

In French, children will learn words and phrases based around two topics of ‘Under the Sea’ and ‘In the Jungle’. They will learn the names of the main animals that are found under the sea and in the jungle as well as some simple exploration phrases. 


PSHE this term is all about what it means to be healthy. Children will look at what healthy eating, personal hygiene and diet. They will answering the question ‘What is the best way to keep our bodies healthy?’

Music – Your Imagination

In Music lessons, children will be introduced to long and short notes, tempo, rhythm, call and response. They will also explore energy, expression, low/high note patterns and descending notes. By the end of this unit, the aim is for children to compose their own growing music based on Puccini string quartet piece ’Chrysanthemums’ 1890 using Chrome music lab. They will then evaluate this piece of music.


In computing, children will learn to use software to design and label their own flower. They will then extend this to designing their own garden.

Using iPads, children will use software to record the growth of their plants

Design and Technology

To link in with our topic this term, our focus in D&T lessons is on making collages and models of flowers using different resources, materials and techniques.

As part of our Food Technology work, children will also design and make their own sensational salad.

Art and Design

In Art lessons, children will learn about the artist Vincent Van Gogh and his sunflower paintings. They will also study the work of Georgia O’Keefe and her giant flower painting.
